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Nutmeg Pure Essential Oil - 15ml

Nutmeg Pure Essential Oil - 15ml

Regular price $25.00 USD
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The fruit of the myristica fragrans tree produces two different essential oils. The red outer shell, when dried, becomes mace. The inner nut is nutmeg. Our nutmeg essential oil is steam-distilled from nuts grown in Indonesia.

Common Uses:
Nutmeg is a potent warming oil, and in very small quantities can help to revitalize and warm soreness and circulation through application or massage. Aromatically, nutmeg brings warmth and a deep scent of spice. Diffuse, mix into blends, or apply in 2-5% dilution.

Aromatic Scent:
Nutmeg Essential Oil has a rich, spicy, sweet, woody scent. It is similar to the cooking spice, but richer and more fragrant.

If used in large amounts, Nutmeg Essential Oil can cause toxic symptoms such as nausea and tachycardia.
Avoid use during pregnancy.

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